
#TheGame23 - Enter the Infinite Rabbit Hole

What is #TheGame23?

"It is what it isn't though that isn't what it is and like I've always said I think that it's exactly what you think it is. If you believe it is whatever someone else told you it is then you're doing it all wrong because you're the only one who could possibly know what it is."
- zed satelite nccDD 23 ksc

Project 00AG9603 - #TheGame23 mod 42.5 level 5

"00AG9603 develops as a self-organizing organism, connects with the virtual environment through its hosts (admins) by arranging the surroundings randomly for its own autonomous purpose"
- Timóteo Pinto, pataphysician post-thinker

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Mermeticism and the Post-Truth Mystic
Discordian Babel – a collection of different interpretations on Discordianism
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00AG9603 Hyper-Surrealism

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KSTXI Reality Glitch Hack Post-Neoist Meta-Discordian Hyper-Surrealist Galdruxian Tudismocroned Bulldada Network ::: art, anti-art, post-art, `pataphysics, absurdism, discordianism, concordianism, meta-discordianism, realism, surrealism, hyper-surrealism, neoism, anti-neoism, post-neoism, anythingism, etc..

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“Everyone carries a piece of the puzzle. Nobody comes into your life by mere coincidence. Trust your instincts. Do the unexpected. Find THE OTHERS”
– Dr Timothy Leary


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“Welcome to the most ancient conspiracy on the planet. We’ve gone for so long now that we don’t remember what we were doing, but we don’t want to stop because we have nothing better to do.” - Fire Elemental




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"Stick apart is more fun when we do it together." - St. Mae


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terça-feira, março 19, 2024

“What the fuck is this? What is this? I don’t know. Maybe that is okay, not knowing, and maybe it…


“What the fuck is this? What is this? I don’t know. Maybe that is okay, not knowing, and maybe it isn’t. These words, these phrases, these assaulting passages that strike like a tsunami are shattering the windowpanes of pure consciousness and disturbing the foundations of what has been whispered into our ear, by a robotic earworm, lodged in there. This creature has been there, as early as our conception on this wet planet, a metaphysical and physical thing that destroys all forms of continuity, rational thought, and reality, spreading the seeds of this elusive thing that has been drilled and planted into us, under the guise of fiction/literature, this thing called… art. This isn’t a book. This isn’t literature. This isn’t normal. This will test you. And, the further you go, the more you realise, there is no goalpost, there are no markers to pinpoint and to use to map your way through it. It is this fusion of confusion and submerged identities and manifestos that screams for attention. It provokes you into skipping, forcing your way through the molasse of information and detail, and creating your own narrative from a cargo hold’s worth of words, letters, and protein grain ruining your vision. You end up flipping through it and hitting pause on your meat machine, exacting a robotic process, selecting a phrase, a passage, a page, scrolling through the digital device, the paperback, breaking conformity and poisoning the expectation-devil sitting on your shoulder, the little bastard. This book can be read. This piece of art can be used as a physical weapon. This isn’t the future. This isn’t the present. This is definitely not the past. It is the in-between stages of corruption and renewal. In the blink of an eye, what was once a familiar word or letter transforms into something altogether ultra. Vasicek and Siratori have created a massive nuclear bomb of a "book.” Augenblick is something altogether neu and alt. It is fucking impressive. “ Zak Ferguson (Author of My Body Meat & The System Compendium)

coming soon

source https://kstxiksc.tumblr.com/post/745387973945819136

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